Info Needed for Binders

MESSAGE FROM Joe, Jerry & Brad
Subject: Personal Writeups.

Here are some suggestions for might include under your name in the Bradley Family Binders:

Where you born and raised
What were your childhood and teenage interests
What did you do as an adult and where did you live
Adult hobbies, interests, and joys
Unique, special, or unusual events in your life
Describe your family

Grandparent memories: (Obviously, each generation will have their own grandparents)
Who are your Bradley grandparents
Did they live nearby or at some distance away from you
How did you interact with them
What are some special memories
What was unique or interesting about your grandparents

Thanks for your help on this.

email to:
Please use a WORD format. 

We look forward to adding more bio's, stories and photos to our distributed Bradley Family Binders.